More Reader Praise for AND BY FIRE
It’s been less than one month since And by Fire released and I continue to be awestruck by the reader love my novel is receiving. Today to celebrate, I am sharing some of my favorite recent review quotes, illustrated by yours truly.
Pleasing the Anglophiles . . . As a Yank, getting the tone right in And by Fire was one of my chief concerns. I was blessed with some fantastic UK first-readers who helped me hit the mark with my Briticisms. I am delighted that a number of readers agree that I did!
Who doesn’t like their crime novel to be called “gritty” and “fascinating?”
“Shocks,” “twists,” “gore,” “insanity” and “danger” are also good things . . . at least when it comes to writing and reading mysteries.
Many thanks to each and every reader and reviewer and blogger who has taken the time to reflect on And by Fire and share their thoughts about the novel. Reviews matter both to authors (providing valuable feedback on the work we’ve created) and to book buyers (helping them to chose their next read).