Off I Go: York-ward Bound

Very soon, dear readers, I will be UK bound. By this time next week, I will be settling in my “second city,” York, for a glorious five-week stay. Keep an eye out here and on my social media account for photo updates, including shots of the annual Ice Trail which takes place during my visit.…

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Don’t Forget Authors This Small Business Saturday

Eager to support small businesses this Small Business Saturday? Don’t forget creators–including your favorite authors! We are solo practitioners in the art of fiction. Every book we sell and every review we get matters. So consider giving yourself a book to snuggle up with this holiday season, or gift a favorite read to a friend.…

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Arson—a crime you generally CAN get away with

Please don’t think I am encouraging you to a life of crime, but most arson is NEVER detected—*shudder*—let alone prosecuted. In the US, Fire Chiefs estimate the percentage of arsonists detected and prosecuted hovers between 15-20%. And serial arsonists . . . let’s just say they get to burn a heck of a lot of…

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