Kirkus Reviews AND BY FIRE, and a DISCOUNT on Pre-Orders!!!

I’ve always had MAD RESPECT for folks who Bookstagram—you know the ones, with the gorgeous, staged pictures of books with props. It’s an art-form truly. And I assumed it took a heck of a lot of work. SO GUESS WHAT I DECIDED TO DO FOR FUN LAST WEEKEND? That’s right–take some glamour shots of my newly arrived Advance Reader copies of And by Fire.

Here’s one of my favorite results from my photo and video shoot—what do you think? Am I bookstagram worthy?


I am sharing this beauty in honor getting the Kirkus review for And by Fire. My favorite line:

🔥🔥🔥🔥”[R]eaders swept up in this double-barreled inferno will forget the history they know as they root for both heroines to bring the malefactors to book before things get even hotter.”🔥🔥🔥🔥


Hot stuff 😉 and if you’re all fired up and eager to get your hot-little-hands on And by FireTHERE IS A FANTASTIC PRE-ORDER DISCOUNT on offer right now at Barnes & Noble!!!!

🔥🔥Pre-order your copy of And by Fire from Barnes & Noble between January 26th and 28th  and you’ll save 25%. That’s true whether you pre-order And by Fire in hardback or ebook! Just click HERE, and use the code PREORDER25 at checkout!🔥🔥

Finally, With LESS THAN FOUR MONTHS until the release of And by Fire, things are going to start heating up! If you want to keep up with all the pre-lease news make sure you’re following this blog—and/or following me on Instagram & Facebook. Among the upcoming news and events: a fabulous, swag-filled, reader incentive that you are NOT GOING TO WANT TO MISS!

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